I know what you are thinking, who in the world wants to think about lawn care during the winter months? We should only care for lawn during the spring and summer then forget about it November through March, right? Wrong! Before we get into what to do for your lawn during the winter months, let’s discuss how to prepare the lawn for dormancy.

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Feeding the lawn before dormancy is going to be the most important fertilization application of the entire year. In late fall, the lawn is soaking in all the nutrients it can to prepare for the long nap during winter. This is the ideal time to aerate, which will allow the water and nutrients to reach the roots faster, then fertilize. We recommend fertilizing with a quick or no release fertilizer which will provide the food the lawn is seeking during the prime moment.

Mite Control

Winter lawn care does not require monthly feedings and weed control like the rest of the season but there is some attention required. The winters have been very mild the past couple of seasons, which can be a good or a bad thing when it comes to lawn care. During a mild winter, there is a higher potential for a mite infestation. When the ground is dry and warm it is the perfect conditions for these nasty critters to come in and feed on the lawn. The best way to combat the invisible monsters is to receive mite control treatments monthly and to water by hand when possible. Most homeowners have their sprinklers turned off, so it is unreasonable to water with the system but using a simple hose to wet the lawn when there is no snow for a few weeks can make a huge difference.


The last steps to take before the season is in full swing is the get down an early fertilizer with a pre-emergent in it. This will help to wake the lawn out of dormancy and the pre-emergent will stop crabgrass and other perennial weeds from germinating. We also do a pre-emergent in the rock and mulch areas to help keep the weeds at bay for the remainder of the season.


Keeping a healthy lawn during the winter does not require too much work but it does take a little time and care. Keep in mind, the lawn is a living organism and needs slight maintenance even in the winter. Give us a call for more tips and tricks on how to keep the lawn in the best shape all year.

Kelsey Keller
Business Manager 

With six years of experience in lawn care, Kelsey Keller has learned the
many facets of what it takes to make lawn green and weed free. She pays close attention to
what customers need and what will make their lawn happy. She continues to learn and discover
what the turfs in Colorado need to be able to thrive.

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