Before the snow starts falling, and we are staying warm by the fire, it is important to give your lawn a final feeding! During the long winter months in Colorado, it is extremely important that the lawn has nutrition to last until the warmer months. With the heavy and often snow pack sitting on top of the lawn, it is easy for the grass to become strained and stressed. The CSU Turf Program suggests “Make the final fall nitrogen application (October-November) while the grass is still green and at least two to three weeks before the ground begins to freeze in your area.”
With our Winterization Fertilization treatment, we will apply a granular fertilizer that has more nutrients and put the lawn into a “healthy doormat stage” through out the winter months. Our Winterizer contains Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, and surfer-keeping the lawn strong and thick. The lawn will slowly feed on the time released granulates throughout the winter, thus resulting in a lusher lawn when the snow is all melted away. It is most effective to have a Fall Aeration done, then a Winterization of the lawn, and finally ending the season with Sprinkler Blow outs.
Call us and we can set up a Winterization, Aeration, or Sprinkler Blow out for your lawn today! We are scheduling them now and will be applying from October 1st to the end of the season!