If you have a dog, you know that those pesky yellow urine spots in the lawn can be a real eyesore. You’ve probably asked yourself, “How do I prevent and cure dog urine spots in my lawn?” Luckily, with the right knowledge: it is possible to prevent and cure dog urine spots in the lawn. 


…it is important to understand the cause of these yellow spots. When a dog urinates, the salts and nitrogen contained within the urine can burn the grass. This results in the yellow spots. It is important to train your dog to urinate in specific areas of the lawn to prevent this issue. You should also encourage your dog to drink plenty of water, as this will help to dilute the urine and reduce the amount of salt and nitrogen contained in it. 

Liquid Aeration to Help:

If your lawn is affected by dog urine spots, there are a few methods to help repair the damage. One of the most effective ways of curing dog urine spots in the lawn is to aerate the area. Aerating the lawn is a helpful solution to help the dog spots. An aeration helps to break up the soil and allow air and water to move freely through it. This will help the grass to recover. Erbert Lawns offers liquid aeration which is great for helping the soil as well has adding micronutrients to help improve the root system.

Weed Control and Fertilization to Help:

You can also use a lawn fertilizer to help the grass recover from the damage caused by the dog urine. The fertilizer should be high in nitrogen, as this will help to replace the nitrogen that has been burned off by the urine. Additionally, you should water the area with a hose or sprinkler system. This will help to flush out the salts and nitrogen that have been left behind. At Erbert Lawns, we have a great Weed Control and Fertilization Program that would help with monthly maintenance and help give the lawn the nutrients it needs to help combat the dog urine spots. 


…it is important to keep your dog away from the affected area of the lawn. You will want to do this until the grass has had time to recover. This will help to prevent the problem from recurring and prevent any additional damage from being done. 

By following these steps, you can help to prevent and cure dog urine spots in the lawn. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your lawn looking healthy and attractive. All while your furry friend runs around the lawn. 

If you have questions or need more help, please call or text us at 303-948-6631. We’d love to see what we can help with!

Kelsey Keller
Business Manager 

With six years of experience in lawn care, Kelsey Keller has learned the
many facets of what it takes to make lawn green and weed free. She pays close attention to
what customers need and what will make their lawn happy. She continues to learn and discover
what the turfs in Colorado need to be able to thrive.

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