How long should it take a lawn technician to treat your lawn?  It’s true, most customers usually think that the lawn techs are not their home long enough. This is a common concern almost all lawn care companies in the Denver area receive.  Should you be concerned with the actual time it takes for a lawn tech to treat your lawn?

Let’s dive into this:

Our economic system is heavily associated to the comparison of time vs. money when it comes to service.  For example: If you paid $50 for a lawn application you may expect them to be at your house treating your lawn for 30 minutes.

Did you know that most of the cost for the lawn care company is in the product. The lawn care companies have to take into account how much product that is being applied. They also have to account for the cost in just getting to your home?  Yes,  just getting to the house is expensive, the drive time, maybe sitting in traffic, fuel, truck cost, and the employee’s hourly wage is huge overhead.

Let’s talk about how it works:

Without trying to get too technical…Let’s go over the process of applying a liquid application to your lawn.  There is an application rate that needs to be followed.  In this example the spray tank is calibrated to apply 2 ½ gallons of product for every 1,000 square feet.  It takes the lawn tech 1 minute to cover 1,000 square feet.  So if you have a 3,000 sq foot lawn it would take the lawn technician 3 minutes to walk across and fully apply the product to your lawn.  Wow, that’s fast!

You don’t want them to slow down too much, because if it takes them say 2 minutes – twice as  long to cover 1,000 sq feet and instead of 1 minute-  too much product will be applied and your lawn will get burned.  The scenario is close to the same time table with granular applications, but the times could be doubled.

The lawn technician will actually spend more time doing the paperwork, rolling up the hose, and inspecting your lawn for problems then it takes to apply the actual product to the lawn.

Results from your lawn care companies:

What you really want to see as a homeowner is results.  After the lawn technician does his application you should start to see the weed control effects in about 2 weeks. At about 4 weeks the lawn will show signs of better health and start to green up.

Unless your lawn care company has a tech that is running through your lawn like a chicken with its head cut off or blatantly not performing the task safely or correctly.  Which can happen!  Most lawn care companies would love the opportunity to hear your concerns so they can use that feedback to improve your experience.  Start by contacting the company and voicing your concerns, most companies will be excited you called and grateful for the opportunity to rectify the problems.

If this is not the case. It’s best to wait a couple of weeks to see the results.

If you are not seeing results in a few weeks, it would be the time to contact your lawn care provider. Once you contact them, chances are they will come back out and solve any problems in the lawn.

Unless you’re paying for consulting or training services…don’t focus on how much time you’re getting for the money you’re spending.  Focus on what really matters.  And that results.  Are your weeds dead and does your lawn look good?

Kelsey Keller
Business Manager 

With six years of experience in lawn care, Kelsey Keller has learned the
many facets of what it takes to make lawn green and weed free. She pays close attention to
what customers need and what will make their lawn happy. She continues to learn and discover
what the turfs in Colorado need to be able to thrive.

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