Whenever you need a lawn care company there are so many options to choose from. There are endless options for salons, gyms, doggy day care, and even lawn care companies. With so many options, how do you know which option is the best choice? While we can’t tell you who you should go to for your manicure, we can guide you in the right direction to finding a reputable lawn care company.

The company has a website.

A Craigslist ad or random sign on the side of the road offering lawn care services at a low price can be very tempting. But it is good to be wary of a brandless post or sign  with simply a phone number. A customer has no way of knowing if this John Doe is licensed or insured. In this industry it’s hard to find someone who shows up. And if they do, how are you to know who should be held responsible should there be damage of some kind? Your best bet is to avoid these sketchy situations entirely. If you enter “lawn care near me” into your search engine, you’ll be shown several options instantly. Once you have narrowed your search to only companies with a website, you can begin weighing them against one another with the rest of this list.

The company has good reviews online (Google, Yelp, Facebook, etc.).

A website is a place for a lawn care company to sell themselves to the consumer. Of course you’ll see them raving about how wonderful their products and services are. But what’s more important is what the company’s customers have to say. The more reviews the better. You should see a combination of the good, the bad, and even the ugly. A mixture of review types is a good sign that the company is reputable. No company has a perfect track record, not every customer is going to be a happy one. Read the bad reviews and find out where the ball was dropped. Would that be a deal breaker for you? Another thing to look out for is how companies reply to criticism. Companies that can own up to their mistakes are generally more reputable than companies whose replies are condescending and defensive.

The employees are nice to you when you call.

So this lawn care company has a website and good reviews. Now you’ll need to call and inquire about services for your lawn. Pay attention to how your call is answered. Does the person on the other end sound inviting and happy to speak to you? Or do they sound annoyed and standoffish? It can be very nerve wracking to call up a company and ask questions about services that you are not knowledgeable on. Whomever answers the phone should seem delighted to talk to you and ready to answer questions.

They have knowledgeable team members.

If they passed the friendliness test, now it’s time to ask some hard questions. What kind of fertilizer do they use? Is weed control harmful to your pets or children? What can they do about crabgrass? If the person on the other end can articulate informed responses you’ve found the real deal. It is imperative for a reputable lawn care company to know about the products they use and services they offer.

They are a small local business.

While being a small local business isn’t a requirement to be a reputable company, it sure does feel good to support your local economy. Small businesses have to work a lot harder to find and keep customers. They typically do not have the finances to do large ad campaigns that bring in a lot of customers. A small business instead must earn the loyalty of their existing clientele. Because of this, you are likely to experience phenomenal customer service.

Does Erbert Lawns meet this criteria?

Of course!

We are one of the top rated lawn care companies in Denver Metro. We have a website that is easy to navigate and lays out all the details on our services. On Google we have more than 300 reviews and an average rating of 4.4 stars!

You will always hear a friendly voice on the phone. We have a dedicated office staff who are available Monday through Friday each week to make our customers smile. Each team member is trained to be a lawn care expert. If a question comes up that we don’t know the answer to, we will discuss it within our team as well as product representatives to find out.

And yes, we are a small local business. Erbert Lawns has been operating since our founder serviced his first lawn in 1983. John Erbert was a twelve year old boy who knew if you wanted extra things in life you had to earn them. Nearly 40 years later and the fundamentals in which he founded the business are the same, “Take care of the customer, take care of the team, and the rest will take care of itself.”

We hope that you’ll consider Erbert Lawns for all of your lawn care needs. Give us a call or text today (303-948-6631) to get set up with our Weed Control & Fertilization program and keep your lawn green all throughout the growing season!

Kelsey Keller
Business Manager 

With six years of experience in lawn care, Kelsey Keller has learned the
many facets of what it takes to make lawn green and weed free. She pays close attention to
what customers need and what will make their lawn happy. She continues to learn and discover
what the turfs in Colorado need to be able to thrive.

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