
As fall quickly approaches it is important to have proper fall preparation for your lawn. The first step is applying a fall or winter fertilizer. If you prepare the lawn in fall you will expect to see a lush and healthy lawn in the spring. In Colorado it is essential to properly prepare your lawn in fall so that you can have an amazing lawn in spring. 

Fall/Winter Fertilizer Importance

In Colorado, the seasons can change quickly and this can be challenging for your lawn. Being at a high-altitude and the changing in temperatures, making sure your lawn is beautiful year-round requires close attention. It is important to understand why fall and winter fertilization is so crucial. 

Promotes Root Health:

When applying fertilizer in the fall and winter you are helping strong root growth. Roots will continue to grow even though the lawn looks dormant. With the growing roots, nutrients in the soil will continue to be absorbed. By doing this in fall you are supplying the lawn the nutrients it needs to be great in spring. 

Nutrient Storage: 

As fall turns into winter, your lawn needs to store all the nutrients it needs to survive the cold moths. By applying fertilizer in the fall you are ensuring that the roots and soil have the appropriate supply of nutrients. Having this energy stored will help the lawn to come out dormancy in the spring with vigor. 

Weed Suppression: 

A healthy lawn will always be more resistant to weed invasion. So by giving the lawn the proper nutrients in fall for winter, you help encourage a healthy lawn so weeds have a difficult time establishing themselves. 

Disease Resistance: 

The same is true for diseases as is for weeds. If you have a healthier lawn, the lawn will be less prone or susceptible to diseases.  By allowing the lawn the proper nutrients, you are helping the lawn to be stronger and thus ensuring your lawn is less susceptible to disease in spring. 

Choosing the Right Winter Fertilizer

When getting ready for fall and winter, it is important to choose the correct fertilizer for your lawn. Not all fertilizers are ideal for a late season application in Colorado. It is important to choose a fast release fertilizer so that the lawn is able to use the nutrients properly. 

Quick Nutrient Availability: 

In Colorado, it is common to use a fast-release fertilizer because they break down quickly, making the nutrients available to your lawn. Winter can be unpredictable, so a fast release fertilizer enables you to apply this later in the season, allowing the essential nutrients into the lawn before a deep freeze. 

Reduced Risk of Nutrient Leaching: 

A slow release fertilizer is more commonly used during spring and summer and breaks down over a duration of time. Allowing the lawn to slowly absorb the nutrients over several weeks. In Colorado, during the colder months, this may not allow the slow release fertilizer to break down properly. With the fertilizer not breaking down properly this could lead to nutrient leaching, which is not great for the environment. A fast reliable fertilizer minimizes the risk of leaching. 

Cold Tolerance:

Fast-release fertilizers are designed to withstand colder temperatures. This means they continue to work even when the mercury drops, providing your lawn with the necessary nutrients during the harshest winter conditions.

Steps to Winterize Your Lawn in Colorado

Besides just fertilizing your lawn in fall to prepare for winter, there are several other steps you will want to take to fully winterize your lawn.


At the end of the season, typically your last mow, you will want to reduce your mowing length. During the warmer months of the season you will usually mow at 3 inches but with your last mow of the season it is recommended to lower that to 2 inches. This will reduce the risk of snow mold and other winter lawn diseases.


It is also important to get all fallen leaves and debris from the lawn. You will not want to leave any leaves or debris on the lawn because this can become compacted on the lawn and harbor pests and diseases through winter. 

Liquid Aeration: 

It is recommended to do a liquid aeration fall to help proper air, water and nutrients to penetrate and circulate through the soil. This will help promote root growth, which is important for a healthy lawn. A liquid aeration will also help with compacted soil by expanding under the surface over a duration of time to allow optimal aeration throughout all of the soil. 


Fall is a great time to consider applying overseed throughout your lawn. Overseed will help fill in any thin or bare patches you have throughout your lawn. Fall is a great time to overseed because temperatures are cooler, giving the seed the best opportunity to grow. You will want to be sure to water the proper amount of time, depending on the type of seed applied, to ensure the grass germinates before the lawn goes into dormancy. 


Apply a fast release fertilizer in late fall, typically October or November. It is best to apply this if your sprinklers are still on so you can water in the fertilizer. If your sprinklers are off and you are applying the fertilizer yourself, try to watch the forecast and apply when there is rain in the forecast and let mother nature water it in for you. If you need help from a company, Erbert Lawns has a program to help with your winter fertilization


With less daylight hours and lower temperatures as fall approaches, make sure to adjust your sprinklers accordingly. During this time your lawn will require less water so you will want to make sure to adjust sprinklers so that you are not over watering the lawn. 

Snow Removal: 

One thing that may not cross your mind when caring for your lawn in winter is ensuring de-icing agents aren’t coming into contact with the lawn. You will want to make sure that no salt or de-icing agents are melting into the lawn, as this can cause damage to the grass and soil. 

Spring Cleanup: 

As spring approaches, it is important to take the time to remove any debris and dead vegetation from the lawn. It is recommended to gently hand rake throughout the lawn so the emerging grass is not damaged. 


Having a green and healthy lawn in spring, starts with proper care in fall. Always start by applying a fast release fertilizer to the lawn to ensure the lawn is getting all the proper nutrients it needs while in dormancy. By putting the work in in the late season you will be setting yourself up for a vibrant beautiful lawn in spring.


Kelsey Keller
Business Manager 

With six years of experience in lawn care, Kelsey Keller has learned the
many facets of what it takes to make lawn green and weed free. She pays close attention to
what customers need and what will make their lawn happy. She continues to learn and discover
what the turfs in Colorado need to be able to thrive.

Kelsey Keller
Business Manager 

With six years of experience in lawn care, Kelsey Keller has learned the
many facets of what it takes to make lawn green and weed free. She pays close attention to
what customers need and what will make their lawn happy. She continues to learn and discover
what the turfs in Colorado need to be able to thrive.

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