In the Erbert Lawns office, 5 wonderful women are at your beck and call. We literally sit on our butts just waiting to hear from our awesome customers, and making calls all day to keep in communication with you! First-rate, amazing office support is included in your mow price, so don’t be shy about taking advantage of it!
Call us for lawn service recommendations (even services we don’t do), questions about your bill, to change a preference in your notes, to give us positive or negative feedback, or just to tell us that your favorite color is yellow. Give us feedback – THIS WE LOVE! We are always always trying to improve our service, so we love positive reinforcement, and grow through constructive criticism. Give us a heads up if you’re having work done on the property, or to change your billing information. Ask us how we are! We remember almost everyone we talk to, because we genuinely care about you! Even though we just mow your lawn, we honestly want to build relationships with valuable customers that last several years.
Please don’t avoid our calls! 🙂 We call to upsell you on services or bug you advertising services. We call to provide you with feedback from the technicians on your property, like if they noticed you may have a lawn disease, or they saw a hoodlum taking a nap in your bushes, or something like that. If the technicians couldn’t mow an area because of standing water, or a hornets’ nest, or equipment failure, we let you know that as well! We also try to notify you immediately if we damage something on the property, and will always fix it as soon as possible. We’ll only encourage additional service if a technician on the property recommends it! And yes, we do call if your card is declined. But I promise we’re nothing like debt collectors 🙂
So call us up, even if it’s just to chat about your cat, or do an Elvis impersonation (this has happened)! We really do love to hear from you – helping out our customers really does make us smile, and we hope it doe the same for you! 🙂 🙂