
Trying to sell is not easy. You have to have a thick skin. HAVE TO. There is no exception. There are things that will be said that could make a good day turn a hard one, but the fact is: the ability to sell is the of the most beneficial skills to have. If you have that skill you can thrive in any job.

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A co- worker and I were joking the other day about Tommy Boy, the infamous movie starring the late Chris Farley. We were joking that in the diner scene when he wanted fried chicken but the kitchen was closed, he was able to sell himself (in his quirky way) and the waitress turned the fryer back on so Tommy Boy could have his chicken.

He shut down all his thought process and just let himself become organic. Obviously there is some grace to this and the “Tommy Boy” way to sell would not be as popular in the real world, but the sentiment is the same. An organic approach and thick skin are the two main life lines in selling anything.  This is easier said than done and it can take a long time to truly take these two mentalities and make them a reality, but it is worth doing. Not just for a job, but also just in life. Every day in life you are actively or inactively selling something.  But to be organic and tough at the same time is all encompassing in many ways and translates into so many different areas.

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